Tuesday, June 10, 2008

06-07-08 Introducing Valerie and Uriah Peterson

Valerie and Uriah got married this weekend! The day started with a powerful rain storm that passed quickly-however, there was a possibility of hail- so thankfully at the Plote house we have large garages to stash all the cars in. Somehow we got our minivan and Impala as well as my mom's Grand Prix all in one garage! Supposedly rain on the wedding day brings you wealth? Or is it good health? I never could keep all those saying straight!

We ended up taking the majority of pictures in mom and dad's backyard- which I think will look amazing! The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a lot of fun out at Treasure Island Casino. It was a great day!

The kids were not in the wedding but we decided to get special little dresses for all the girls and the boys had a ties- clip-ons! They all looked so adorable.
