Friday, May 16, 2008


At the ripe old age of 6 years and 10 months Noah now has another scar to show off! Wednesday at daycare, Noah was washing his hands at one of the old school sinks like in our elementary school days where you push the pedal with your foot and the water comes out like in a rainbow for many people to stand and wash their hands. Well, supposedly....another kid was splashing the water out of the sink onto the floor. Noah, unaware of this- finished washing his hands.... did a little spin on his heel- (because everybody does that when they wash their hands-right?) to get a paper towel and in the middle of the spin landed chin first on the tile floor. It left a good gash- enough that the pediatrician felt the "glue" they can use instead of stitches wouldn't work. After 4 shots of novacaine and 4 stitches- he stated he "wouldn't mind doing this again", because "it didn't really hurt!". Somehow, I think we will try to hold off on that one!

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